Digital Learning

  • Staff are well supported with classrooms equipped with a variety of digital technology devices e.g. Interactive Whiteboards (both Promethean and Smartboards), Apple Macs and Televisions.
  • All students in years 7-11 have an iPad.
  • Staff are equipped with a College iPad as required, to be able to support their teaching and digital learning.

At Heathfield Community College we are committed to delivering a curriculum that allows for traditional methods of teaching and learning to take place with the support of new digital technologies. Teachers are able to select the most appropriate resources to enable student choice, personalisation and engagement in learning.

The iPad provides a teaching and learning tool that allows students to engage with subjects in a variety of different ways that previously weren’t possible.

Staff have the ability to share resources and give feedback simply and efficiently. The use of our online learning platform, Firefly, enables students to monitor and plan for work that needs to take place outside of the classroom and access specific resources needed for these activities.

Teachers make use of a range of Assessment for Learning Apps to assess progress and allow the students and teachers to gain instant feedback on the learning. This coupled with the use of collaborative features in tools such as Keynote, Padlet and Google have opened up opportunities for students to develop and deepen their knowledge.

We encourage both teachers and students to use the most appropriate methods to develop the skills required in their subject.

Staff are provided with the relevant tools, training and support to ensure their use of technology not only benefits student learning but also helps to reduce workload. This is done through ongoing CPL throughout the year as well as support for new staff when they join the College.